ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015

8 Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set, version 1.1 • 8.5 Attributes

8.5.101 @seq Sequence

Sequence number of a document within the type of sequence named by the element to which this attribute is attached: on a <volume> element, the sequence within the volume; on an <issue> element, the sequence within the issue; on an <fpage> element, the sequence within a single page; and on an <elocation-id> element, the electronic sequence.

For journals (such as continuous-makeup journals) where more than one article can start on a single page, this attribute can record a sequence number or letter to differentiate one article from the other articles on the same page. For example, the first article to start on page 62 might be given a sequence of 62a; the sequence letter would be a, with a sequence letter b for a second article, etc.

In elements <elocation-id>, <fpage>, <issue>, and <volume>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The number of the document in a sequence of documents within a volume, issue, electronic compilation, or even on the same page. For example, for continuous-makeup journals that start more than one article on the same page, this attribute indicates a sequence number or letter for one of the articles, such as a, b, c; or 1, 2, 3. For example, a value of 2 could mean 554-2, page 554, second article.